Monday, July 6, 2009

From the Sublime to the Just So Darn Cute!

Carmi's theme this week at Thematic Photographic is Aviation. A few days ago I posted the visible shock wave around an FA-18 as it broke the sound barrier. Amazing, yes?

I wonder how many of those brave fighter pilots spent their childhoods playing with airplanes, maybe riding up and down the sidewalks in something like this:
This is so darned cute!! I spotted this fire-red pedal-airplane outside the "Little Red Wagon" store at the Amana Colonies in Iowa. Some future pilot, or even astronaut, could be riding around on this even now!

There are still a couple of days to join in the fun at Thematic Photographic at Written, Inc. Be sure to check out all the fantastic contributions from other participants.

1 comment:

me said...

I covet that plane!!!! For my son of course...