Monday, December 8, 2008

Macro Monday/Thematic Photographic --- '57 Heaven

For this week's Macro Monday I am taking the size up a bit... quite a bit.... but these are still close-ups. There are several photos cuz I had difficulty picking just a few.

Also, as last week, I am combining this with the Thematic Photographic topic shadows.

So, a bit of background, and tie-ins to both themes. One of my favorite theaters in Branson is the Dick Clark American Bandstand Theater. Visitors get to see some of the greatest acts i American music, and a trip downstairs takes them into a time warp back to a 1957 American town. Featured are beautifully restored cars, all 1957 models and all made in America.

For Macro Monday I am showing close-ups of shiny grills, white-wall tires, and fender fins. For Thematic Photographic, this is a look at shadows of American-made cars of the past. Can you identify these magnificent classics? During the next few days I will put these and more on Flickr.












Aren't they beautiful? They might not make cars like these anymore, but let's hope we keep making cars in America --- but don't get me started on that subject!
Have a good week, everyone!


Sandy said...

Really nice photos of the cars! Nice close ups especially.

Anonymous said...

Those are some beautiful shots of some beautiful cars. Nice way to tie in the "shadow" theme. :-)

Jama said...

They are indeed a beauty!

Anonymous said...

such style! great shots. I think the orange one is my favourite!

carmilevy said...

I love how you've evoked the theme. I always feel humbled when I'm standing beside cars from this era. I can practically feel the devotion of the artists and engineers who created these exquisite vehicles. They sure were rolling art, and unlike any cars since, they perfectly defined their era.

Part of me wishes the shadow of that time - the feeling of a future of limitless potential - would wash over us today. We sure could use the help!

But back to the photos: you've made me want to go find a museum somewhere so I can just stand there and drink it in. These photos are so, so rich.

Unknown said...

They are all BEAUTIFUL! I love how there are mirrors around too to show all sides of the car!

Its Time to Live said...

nice images but... where are the old trucks :)

Ingrid said...

I am not a car fan, but when I see these beauties, I remember when I was a little girls I dreamt to be a star and riding such a car, lol !

Jientje said...

Cool!! A Cadillac from the very year I was born!! Lovely pictures!

Anonymous said...

As I was admiring your photos, I was thinking exactly what said at the end of your post...I won't get you started...but it's hard to believe we've gone from making these treasures to perhaps not making anything at all. Let's hope not. We need to make things in this country, not just pass money around from one service job to another. Oops...I've got ME going :-)

Far Side of Fifty said...

OH MY these are absolutely fantastic photos! Really, really nice, I enjoyed them so much! :)