Sunday, November 9, 2008

Thematic Photographic 23 --- Autumn: Country Roads and Oak Trees

I am so proud of my brother's photos in my previous post and the comments have been so kind! He won't see this until tomorrow and I think he will be very pleased. As much as I would love to keep his photos at the top of the blog, I do have some of my own! Though not as brilliant as the vineyards, they do represent what our ridge is looking like at this time.

Nearby is a narrow country lane that is not heavily traveled. It curves through a forest of mostly oak trees --- mostly bare oak trees. The leaves were ankle deep on the forest floor as well as on the road. With the oak leaves turned completely to brown the bright yellow white birch leaves are a stark contrast.

There is still plenty of time to show your images of autumn. Come join the fun! Visit Carmi at Written, Inc. to find out how and be sure to browse through the comments to visit other TPers autumn photos. For a different take on the autumn theme visit Linda to see her artistic side.


gina said...

i love tree lined roads whatever the season...but they are at their prettiest during spring and fall. these are wonderful.

Unknown said...

Beautiful! It makes me think of 'home'. :) Our leaves are all on the ground now, just sticks reach towards the sky. :(