Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Macro Monochromatic

Since buying a new macro lens I've been running around like Mr Magoo, getting up close to anything that might look interesting ... up close. The very first "test" shot was of a piece of lint on the chair. Believe me when I say that I've seen things through a microscope that didn't look as scary as that.

On our dining room table I have a bunch of decorator balls in a lovely large bowl. Why? Because they would roll off the table if they weren't in the bowl, of course! Ok, seriously, because they are interesting colors and textures, some glass, some not. The photo above is of one of the "not" glass; I guess it looks like burlap.

This week's Thematic Photographic has been such fun. But even more so, a learning experience! I now have a file of photos to "save" sans color, and a new appreciation for composition for the sake of light, not just color. Thanks, Carmi! Can we go back to something colorful next week? :-)


Mojo said...

Monochromatic might be stretching it a bit, but I love the perspective. It's amazing how macro shots make the most ordinary things interesting.
On another note, I'm trying to spread some love around today. Maybe this falls in the category of "self-promotion", but really I'm just trying to gather some good karma for a friend who could really use it right now.
Can you take a moment to visit here and share some?

carmilevy said...

I can practically feel the texture. This is a great choice for the monochrome theme. As you know, I heeded your advice and went back to something colorful this week.

I'm trying to shake the themes up a bit to always keep us all - myself included - on our photographic toes. That's because I want this to be an adventure in learning, exploring and sharing more than anything else. And nothing drives that ideal better than variety, right?

Thanks for confirming the little inkling I had in my head before I started TP. I was hoping it would have this kind of impact, so seeing your entries makes me very pleased that it's having that impact.